October 17, 1929, The Sumas Valley Grange #920 was organize in Sumas, Washington. The Grange made it's home in the West Opera House building that was located on First Street to the east of Cherry Street. The history and purpose of the grange stretches back almost 151 years in the United States. It was formed as a fraternal organization, The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry. Oliver Kelly. on orders from President Andrew Johnson traveled to the southern states to evaluate the and collect data to improve agricultural conditions. Oliver Kelly determined that an organization would help bring the south and north together and help deal with outmoded agricultural practices. The first Grange was established in Fredonia, New York in 1868. Then It spread throughout rural United States. The Grange was unique in that women and teens were encouraged to participate and hold positions. The Grange lobbied for non-partisan laws that benefited the farmers. They fought for lower rates by railroads and rural free mail delivery by the United States Post Office.
The Grange hall became an important center of activities and meetings. There was dances and socials as well as their business meetings. They participated in activities with other neighboring grange halls. The Grange made it's presence known at regional fairs and agricultural events. Sumas was no exception!
Retired Washington State Senator, Gary Odegaard along with his brother, the late Harold Odegaard spent their youth in Sumas. The Odegaard family were active with the Sumas Valley Grange and managed to photograph the following grange activities throughout the 1950s.
Picture 1
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection.
The Sumas Valley Grange Hall which was converted from the West Opera House. This picture is dated as October, 1953. Later this building was turned into a restaurant/bar the Lone Jack Saloon in the 1970s. The building is still standing and is used as a shipping business known as Ship Happens. It is located on south side of First Street in between Cherry Street and Sumas Avenue.
Picture 2
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
A side view of the Sumas Valley Grange Hall after a new addition was added on. Photograph was taken in October 1953.
The following photographs were taken in 1952:
picture 3
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Sumas Grange Carnival - Summer 1952
Picture 4
Sumas Grange Carnival - Summer 1952
Picture 5
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hack - 1952 Grange Master
Summer 1952
Picture 6
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Sumas Grange Booth at the Lynden Fair- August 1952
The following photographs were taken in 1953:
Picture 7
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Evo Hickman, Ralph Scofield. Gene McWilliams playing at Delta Grange Hall near Lynden, WA.
Picture taken April 1953
Picture 8
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Jack and Bob Steiner playing at the Delta Grange near Lynden, WA. Picture taken in April, 1953.
Picture 9
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Sumas Grange Bazaar - April 1953
Picture 10
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Sumas Valley Grange Booth at Lynden, WA- August 1953.
The following photographs were taken in 1954:
Picture 11
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
A group of Sumas Grange ladies ( labeled on the back as Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Froberg, Mrs. Ohmart, Ardis McWilliams and Mom) at Goss Store in Sumas advertising butter. February 1954.
According to Gary Odegaard during an interview, the ladies were protesting against the use of margarine and was trying to encourage this use of real butter. Goss store was located on the west side of Cherry Street to the south of Johnson Creek.
Picture 12
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Group of Grangers painting the dining room of the Sumas Grange. Labeled on the back the individuals are identified as Mrs. Froberg, Mrs. Perry, Calvin Hack, Mrs. Young-Dyke, and Mr. Hack. March 15, 1954.
picture 13
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Carol McWilliams writer and director of 8th grade skit - first prize.
Sumas Valley Grange Dining Room (new) march 29, 1954.
picture 14
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Fred Olsen of the W.M.C. at the Sumas Valley Grange. March 29, 1954.
Picture 15
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Whatcom County and State Grange Officers
the third man from the left identified as A. Lars Nelson.
Sumas Valley Grange. July 1, 1954.
Picture 16
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
A. Lars Nelson, State Grange Master July 15, 1954.
Picture 17
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Master Gene McWilliams and Mrs. Boesh displaying an Afghan for a grange prize. July 1, 1954.
Picture 18
Posted with permission from the G. Odegaard Collection
Gary Odegaard and Ann working at the Sumas Grange Milk Bar at the Lynden Fair, August 20, 1954
picture 19
Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
Frances and Ann behind the counter of the Sumas Grange Milk Bar at the Lynden Fair.
August 20, 1954
Frances and Ann behind the counter of the Sumas Grange Milk Bar at the Lynden Fair.
August 20, 1954
picture 20
Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
Sumas Grange Fair Booth at the Lynden Fair. Won 2nd Prize. August 20, 1954.
Picture 21
Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
The 25th Grange Anniversary and Booster Night.
October 1954
The following photographs were taken in 1965:
picture 22
Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
Ardis McWilliams at Grange dance, Sumas, Washington.
February 1956
Picture 23
Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
Sumas Grange Dance
playing bean bag game
Sumas, Washington
February 1956
Picture 24
Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
Party and Dance at the Sumas Valley Grange.
Sumas, Washington
February 1956
Picture 25
Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
Sumas Valley Grange Booth at Puyallup Fair.
September 1957
Picture 26

Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
Sumas Valley Grange 1957 officers.
December 19, 1957
Grange Hall
Sumas, Washington
The Following photographs were taken in 1958.
Picture 27
Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
Written in ink on the the reverse: "Mom and Evo by Sweepstakes Grange Booth at Lynden Fair. August 1958
Picture 28
Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
Sumas Grange Sweepstake winner booth.
Lynden Fair - August 1958
Picture 29
Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
Written in ink on the reverse of the photograph: Mom and Evo working in the Sumas Grange Darigold Bar at Sumas Community Day. August 30, 1958.
Picture 30
Posted with permission from the G. Odergaard collection
The Grange family of the year, The Art Jorgensens.
Was named Grange family of the year at Welcome Grange Hall.
December 29, 1958
Thank you, Gary Odegaard for sharing the wonderful photos that gives us a glimpse into the Sumas Valley Grange during the 1950s.