Around 1918 Clarence L. Miller built a house (see the pink arrow) on the SE corner of Cherry and Vancouver here in Sumas. It allowed him an easy walk to the mill only 4 blocks away to the SW.
picture 1
June 4, 1932 Revision of the 1914 Sandborn Fire Insurance Map (portion)
posted with permission from the City of Sumas
The penciled notation above the pink arrow was made to this map in 1932, identifying the yellow structures as belonging to C. L. Miller. The Miller home was moved from this location long after the Miller family had left the community being replaced by a Texaco gas station that was later operated as a retail dairy operation by Breckinridge Dairy. Today, Edaleen Dairy of Lynden owns and operates the property.
picture 2
The original Miller house today on the south side of Mitchell Street, just E of the Sumas Elementary School athletic field. View looking SE toward Mt. Baker.
photograph taken by Deborah Morgan, 29 November, 2014
photograph taken by Deborah Morgan, 29 November, 2014
According to his obituary, Clarence L. Miller was a lightweight contender in the Van Buren, WA Wrestling Club in 1909. As seen in the picture below he was a dashing athlete.
picture 3
Clarence Leonidas 'Leo' Miller as a wrestler circa 1909.
posted with permission from the M. Miller collection
picture 4
A license obtained by Jack Grinder and Clarence L. 'Leo' Miller to operate a wrestling match in Sumas, WA, December 4th - 5th, 1909.
posted with permission from the M. Miller collection
posted with permission from the M. Miller collection
picture 5
article from the Bellingham Herald, 3 September, 1927
posted with permission from the M. Miller collection
A tongue in cheek humorist article written about Clarence Leonidas 'Leo' Miller and his fondness for boxing. At this time Clarence was Vice-President of the Sumas Roundup Association. The boy with him in the picture is believed to be his son, Clarence Leon Miller, posing as his dad's manager.
The following pictures are focused on Clarence Miller's wife, Johanna. According to Mrs. Josephine Fadden, a longtime Sumas resident who knew Johanna, "...she was a stylish, petite lady with her hair always done up in an elaborate hairdo. Johanna would bring the accounting business to the bank where I would deal with the transactions." (pers. comm. 3 Dec, 2014)
picture 6
according to the clipping (circa 1931-1932), Johanna (#1) was involved with the Sumas P.T.A. as President.
undated clipping from unident. newspaper
posted with permission from the M. Miller collection
picture 7
picture 7

Officers of the P.T.A. for 1931 - 1932
Left to Right: Mrs. L. Miller, Mrs. Joe Ellsbree, Mrs. Frank Koehler, Mrs. Roy Hagin
posted with permission from the M. Miller collection
During the evening of 11 October, 1923 a group of 12 talented local ladies gathered in the home of Naomi Nugen here in Sumas and decided to form a club. Johanna Miller was among the original 12 founders. She served as a Treasurer for the organization from 1923-1930. It took three meetings for the ladies to decide on a name and purpose for their organization.
The meeting of 13 November, 1923 was held in the Miller's home (see picture 3). That night they voted on and chose the name of their organization, the 'Double A Club'. The club was devoted to the cultural arts. There was recitations, music and drama. The Double A Club continued (as documented in their extensive written records) until the last members disbanded the club 30 August, 1992.
Below are the minutes from the November 13th meeting held at the Miller home on Cherry Street, Sumas
picture 8
Minutes from the November 13th meeting held at the Miller home on Cherry Street, Sumas
"The regular Tuesday Evening Nov 13 meeting of this club-still without a name-was held at the house of Mrs. Miller, with the Pres in the chair and Mrs. Cottrell acting as Secretary. Eleven members are present. Such of the minutes of the last meeting as wouud be made out were read and afterword consideration, accepted.
The question of the naming of the club was taken up; The names given at the last meeting being re-read, it was moved and seconded that a name be chosen from the them. The name Amateur Amusers was chosen, to be commonly known as the Double A Club" Text continued on picture 9
posted from the Morgan family collection
picture 9
"The following program committee was appointed for Nov 27: Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Lochbaum, Mrs. McGrath.-and for the next meeting Mrs. Lambert, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Tudor. The President made the suggestion that we give a Christmas program for the old people. After considerable discussion it was decided to do so on the Sunday afternoon preceeding Xmas. The following committee to have charge of the program; Mrs. Nugen, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. McGrath, Mrs. Tudor, Mrs. Lochbaum and Mrs. Miller were appointed a committee to make out a list of people to have special invitations.
The following program was then..." Text continued on picture 10
posted from the Morgan family collection
picture 10
Trio Dutch Dolls,
Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Lambert, Mrs. Washburn
Readings from a Far Country
Afterwhile by Riley
Mrs. Johnson
Solo- A Dream - Bartlett
(?) Sing the Old Songs
Mrs. Lochbaum
Piano Solos Love and Devotion
Mrs. Miller
After a social half hour over cake and tea the meeting adjourned
Nell B. Cotrell, Secretary."
posted from the Morgan family collection
picture 11
Officers of the Double A club for 1928-1929.
posted with permission from the M. Miller collection
posted with permission from the M. Miller collection
picture 12
left to right: Mrs. Miller, Mrs. C.C. Cottrell, Mrs. R.C. Tudor, Mr. D.R. Nugen
posted with permission from the M. Miller collection
posted with permission from the M. Miller collection
---The Miller's leave Sumas---
Sadly all good things must end. The Miller's and Sons Shingle Mill had to follow where the lumber was available. As the Sumas area became logged out it became necessary for the different mills to move. The Miller family rented their house out and moved to Glacier circa 1940 according to Mrs. Josephine Fadden. (pers. comm. 3 Dec, 2014) . They went into business in the Glacier area, renting cabins and milling logs.
the Miller Mill at Glacier, WA.
Photograph taken by Mr. J. Linn, (circa 1960)
posted from the J. Linn collection
another view of the Miller Mill at Glacier, WA.
Photograph taken by Mr. J. Linn, (circa 1960)
posted from the J. Linn collection
The Miller & Sons Shingle Mill in Sumas was physically gone by World War II.
Records of its operation are now stored in the archives at the Center of Pacific Northwest Studies at Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA.
Clarence Leonidas died May 8, 1964 at a hospital in Sedro Wooley, WA. His wife, Johanna died October 1979. They are both buried in the historic Bayview Cemetery in Bellingham, WA.
They were indeed an important early family of Sumas and help shaped our town into what it is now.
The holiday season is upon us! My next posting will be discussing Christmas in Sumas!
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